And what if we told you that it all began in the basement of a ready-to-wear shop!

At first sight, this had nothing to do with it, yet the inspiration was already there:
closeness to customers and a sense of service in order to meet their needs.

1989. The Armatis adventure begins.

With relational marketing and customer relations making their appearance in France, Denis Akriche sets off in search of his first clients and hires his first employees. Most of them don’t yet know that they’ll still be there 30 years later!

The 2000s, we get connected.

Internet and telecom suppliers provide multiple contact points; the customer relations sector is enjoying rapid growth. Armatis too. .

New customer relations centres are established across the country in order to meet increasing market demand. Later, Armatis rounds out its international offer with Tunisia, Portugal and Poland.

Although it’s changed a great deal over the years in order

to adapt to new clients, partners and technologies, it’s always been clear that the foundations laid in its early days would form part of Armatis’ DNA:

  • The client at the centre of everything we do
  • A unified team to meet the customer experience’s challenges
  • Committed, highly differentiating positioning in France and culturally similar territories
Let continue writing the story together!


Because we want to be more than simply your partner, our solutions are investments.
Yes, investing in the customer experience is profitable for your customers and yourself alike.

But as you’re here, you know that already!
  • Making each interaction an opportunity for growth and guaranteeing customers the highest possible levels of advice, compliance and added value, in B2C and B2B.

    • Prospection, telemarketing
    • Lead generation and management
    • Facilitation of inbound/outbound multichannel direct sales network
    • Direct face-to-face relations
    • Campaign management
    • Ecommerce platform support
    • Appointment management
    • Onboarding
    • Welcome

Our certifications and labels

Our impact on present and future society

For Armatis, Social and Environmental Responsibility is expressed by the company’s determination to have a positive impact on present and future society.

Located in numerous regions in France and abroad, we are strongly committed locally, fully in line with the human and ethical values we uphold.

Such openness to the world and its diversity is the bedrock of Armatis’ identity, which is why we’re collectively committed to sustainable development at social, environmental and economic level.


The wide diversity of our talents is a real asset: we guarantee them an inclusive, parity-based, respectful work environment.

Gender Equality Index 95.6/100
Armatis Gender Equality Index by location

7.33% of employees are disabled


Symmetry of attention for a ”Care Culture”: we pay special attention to career development and quality of life at work for all our employees.

85% of employees on permanent contracts
5.19% of worktime devoted to training


Preservation of our ecosystem is essential: we invest in low-consumption technologies, initiate actions protective of the environment, and raise awareness on best practices.

-22% of tonnes of CO2
-48% of paper consumption thanks to digitisation


Robust, long-term relationships are based on trust: we protect our partners’ interests and our clients’ and employees’ data in full compliance with the standards and regulations currently in force.

+ 80% of employees trained in data protection
220 employees fully informed on the fight against corruption
Armatis also revised its Code of Ethics throughout in 2019, with the dual aim of being in full compliance with the most recent regulatory requirements and ensuring that it covers all relations with our stakeholders. Hence, ethics are promoted in our economic, social and territorial environment.ial.

In this context, we’ve implemented a secure mechanism enabling collection of substantiated reports of inappropriate behaviours.
This outsourced secure alert mechanism is accessible here.

Global compact

Armatis has been committed to the Global Compact since 2007 and is currently a participating member. Our level of participation is an expression of our adherence to the principles of social and societal responsibility. Armatis undertakes to consciously integrate sustainable economic growth and social and environmental concerns into its development strategy as it carries out its activity, and to behave respectfully, ethically and with integrity in its interactions with its stakeholders (Employees, Clients, Suppliers, Local institutional actors, Associations and Shareholders), in compliance with the laws of the countries in which we’re active. We continue to develop this culture on a daily basis, and these commitments are included in our Code of Ethics. Our commitment to the Global Compact is both an individual and collective initiative, a corporate citizen’s unifying connection.
Find here our communication of progress 2022.

Armatis: an actor fully committed to data protection

By its very nature, the activity carried out by our Group’s Contact Centre involves the processing of considerable quantities of personal data. Well aware of its duties and responsibilities, Armatis has set up a dedicated organisation that ensures compliance with an ambitious policy on data protection, a key factor in instilling trust in all our stakeholders (clients, suppliers and partners, employees and candidates, consumers, users and citizens). Integrity, confidentiality and complete transparency in data management are the principles that guide Armatis in the conduct of its business.

Appropriate technical and organisational measures have been defined and implemented in order to guarantee adequate levels of protection throughout a piece of data’s life cycle.

All the Group’s employees, who are the front line as regards data protection, have also been trained in and are regularly reminded of the issues arising from the GDPR.

Armatis’ holistic view of accountability and collective intelligence at the service of data protection reaffirms the commitments it has made in its Privacy and Data Protection Charter.