First Contact Resolution, the Customer Experience holy grail

In this digital age, many brands are offering their customers an omnichannel experience: calls, e-mail, live chat, social networks, messaging, etc. This strategy allows them to meet a strong expectation: proximity to the brand.

Anytime, anywhere any device… Yes, but!

89% of consumers believe that getting a quick, accurate answer to their questions is the number one PRIORITY!

Above all, efficiency and simplicity are still the keys to a successful customer experience. Whatever the contact channel, customers indeed expect an answer, a solution, immediate advice.

So, how do we ensure consistency across all these channels and with a smooth, effortless customer pathway? How do we transcend the limits between online and offline communications? Most importantly, how do we resolve every request at first contact, regardless of the channel?

To answer these questions, we need to manage two strategic indicators:

  • First contact resolution (the number of customer requests handled right from the first interaction, regardless of the contact channel). This is essential for evaluating the overall effectiveness of Customer Relations, as well as customer effort.
  • Repetition rate (number of contacts made for the same request, regardless of the channel used). This highlights annoyances and breaking points in the customer pathway.

Tracking these indicators requires a comprehensive omnichannel view of all interactions, consolidated by their motivating factors in an information system, CRM.

Regular customer surveys should also be conducted to refine this analysis.

Improve first contact resolution by refocusing your strategy on your customers.

Solving customers’ problems in a single contact is an essential factor in gaining their loyalty. Limiting the number of interactions with Customer Service is also economically advantageous for brands.

How can I improve my first contact resolution rate?

  • Audit customer pathways: identify the channels that generate strong repetition based on contact patterns and implement corrective actions.
  • Listen to customers: field escalations, satisfaction surveys and recommendations are valuable levers for improvement.
  • Offer online self-care solutions: dynamic FAQ, search engine, Chatbot, customer area.
  • Ensure consistency and homogeneity across the information transmitted via each channel.
  • Develop your advisers’ skills and “service” stances, focusing on the transparency and clarity of their exchanges.
  • Give your advisers easy access to procedures and information notes: dynamic knowledge bases in processing systems.
  • Simplify procedures and decision-making circuits: give your advisers the power to solve problems and make simple decisions by limiting escalation to level 2 requests.
  • Communicate with customers: give customers visibility by acknowledging receipt of their requests via e-mail or text message and keeping them informed of their case progress online.
  • Record all interactions in a CRM tool.

Why is seeking first contact resolution beneficial for brands?

Mastering this first contact resolution rate has a bearing on customer experience and perceptions but also allows brands to be more effective:

  • Lower Customer Relations costs due to fewer interactions and increased productivity
  • More sales opportunities: when a customer request is resolved at the first contact, the rate of cross-sell acceptance increases
  • Greater customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • More satisfaction among advisers

Satisfy, retain, perform.

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